September 2015 Ceremony in Tangent Magazine Photographer Christian Blanchard Fashion Editor Heather Cairns September 2015
June 2015 Switch in Tangent Magazine Photographer Christian Blanchard Fashion Editor Heather Cairns June 2015
May 2015 Carnival of Mirrors in Publications Photographer Christian Blanchard Fashion Editor Kate Stein May 2015
February 2015 Room 237 in Tangent Magazine Photographer Christian Blanchard Models Zippora Seven& others Fashion Editor Samantha Crossely February 2015
December 2014 Head Dress in Koncierge Photographer Christian Blanchard Models Yifan Fan Wang& others Fashion Editor Marianne Malafosse December 2014
November 2014 Aimee and Lola in Tangent Magazine Photographer Christian Blanchard Models Louise van de Vorst& others Fashion Editor Marianne Malafosse November 2014
October 2014 Spirit Queen in Publications Photographer Christian Blanchard Models Louise van de Vorst& others Fashion Editor Bec Cole Copyrights VAMFF October 2014
October 2014 Kate Maresova in Publications Photographer Christian Blanchard Models Kate Maresova& others Fashion Editor Kate Stein October 2014
June 2014 Going to Greylands in Tangent Magazine Photographer Christian Blanchard Models Luana Teifke& others Fashion Editor Heather Cairns June 2014