December 1995 Le Turlington in Vogue Italy Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others December 1995
January 1995 Updating the classics in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others January 1995
December 1994 Roman Holiday in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Claudia Schiffer& others December 1994
June 1994 The Shape of Summer in Vogue UK Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others June 1994
March 1994 Simply divine in Vogue UK Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others March 1994
February 1994 All About Ease in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others February 1994
January 1994 Soft Focus in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Claudia Schiffer& others January 1994
December 1993 Dreaming, dancing, dressing up in Vogue UK Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others December 1993
October 1993 Artful dodgers in Vogue UK Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others October 1993
September 1993 Alta Moda Supplement/Tout Petit/Vraiment Petit in Vogue Italy Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Kate Moss& others Fashion Editor Anna Dello Russo Copyrights © Condé Nast Publications September 1993
September 1993 Party glamour in MM Magazine Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington& others September 1993
August 1993 Getting the boot in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Christy Turlington August 1993