Prada announces the winners of its Sustainability Education Program

Luxury Italian Fashion House Prada has announced the winners of its Sustainability Education Program 'Sea Beyond'.

Originally planned in 2020, the project which was promoted by Prada and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (COI) of UNESCO was suspended due to Covid-19. It was supported by the launch of the sustainable capsule Prada Re-Nylon, and underlined the Prada Group's commitment to sustainable choices and the impact of the ocean on our future, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda and 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Teachers from 10 high schools around the world (from Berlin to London and New York to Paris) participated in the project by offering their students 4 lessons dedicated to the theme of eco-responsibility. The winning awareness campaign was by Portuguese school Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga in Vialonga (Lisbon), with the short cartoon 'Redes circulares: Cerco ao plastico no mar' ('Circular nets: a sea of ​​plastic'), showing the catastrophic plastic pollution that endangers the ocean ecosystems and how to recollect plastic waste for upcycling opportunities.

'Along the project these incredible students learned ocean literacy and were invited to be part of an international ocean movement, committed to advocate its value. It has been very hard for both the teachers and the students to stay on board during these difficult months, experiencing home schooling and all the pandemic challenges. Their enthusiastic participation is really touching,' said Lorenzo Bertelli, Prada Group Head of Marketing & Head of Corporate Social Responsibility.

'The global scale of the problems facing the ocean means that no single country or organization can fix them all. We need partnerships across science, decision-makers and the private sector to create a sustainable ocean economy that uses the ocean but also preserves and cherishes it. Together with the Prada Group, we hope to mobilize students from around the world around these ideas, transforming their energy and creativity into a vector towards a more ocean-literate society,' added Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Assistant Director General of UNESCO.

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