Each week, we take the time to highlight one of our favorite emerging models. Previously, we profiled Canadian beauty Karis Dawson and this week we're turning our attention to Klaudia Celinska.
The Warsaw native is known for her sense of humor and her distinctive looks. Off work, she is pursuing a graduate degree in Psychology. As one of the most promising newcomers, she is sure to be all over the runways this year.
We caught up with Klaudia to talk about her career so far, her passion for modeling and her plans for the future.
Nationality: Polish
Instagram: klaudia_unofficial
Have you always wanted to be a model? If not, what did you want to be growing up?
It actually has been my dream to become one since I was little. How could I know it will be a dream job for me? I guess I've always been pretty self-conscious, which helped me with presenting myself in front of the people.
How were you scouted?
I wasn't. I've sent my pictures to a magazine for teenagers that was organizing a 'modeling contest' and my mother agency was taking part in it. I can still remember the day when they called my mum to tell her that they want me to sign a contract with them and it was 11 years ago. That was huge for me at that time, I cried.
How would you describe yourself as a model in three words?
Easy-going; look-at-me-now; now-everybody-laugh type of model
Your first modeling job?
It was an editorial in a magazine for teenage girls that's name was "Girl" and of course, it doesn't exist anymore. The photoshoot was located in the woods and it was kind of 'fairytailish'. I remember one of the pictures where I'm swinging on a swing made of flowers with the happiest smile on my face wearing some cute pink dress. When I look back to these old magazines all I can think is 'Not a girl, not yet a woman'...
What is your favorite or most exciting aspect about being a model?
Perhaps it's the fact that I'm not stuck in a routine. Possibility to work at different places with some different teams during a week makes it a really arousing profession. You just can't get bored with it.
Is there anyone that you admire as a role model and why?
I admire a lot of people for different reasons, although I don't think I've ever treated anyone as a role model. I try to listen to what my heart tells me and to live by it and it's been working pretty well for me (most of the time...).
What is your dream shoot/campaign?
It's basically any shooting with a fee of 20K Euro. No branding needed :P
Biggest lesson that modeling has taught you?
Nobody will bring it to your feet, so you better go and get it yourself, if you really want it.
How do you stay in shape?
I try not to focus on it too much. All I do is being active and minding the food on my plate.
What do you think about fashion? What does it mean to you?
Fashion can be a way of blending into the crowd or to highlight from it. I personally don't chase after it, it's out of my interest. Fashion has been a great industry to find myself in, although, to keep an inner balance, I usually just 'put my clothes on', instead of 'creating my outfit'.
If you had to be head to toe in one designer brand for the rest of your life, which would it be?
It would be 'Yo' mama's closet'.
How would you describe your style?
Colorful but universal. Not too eye-catching and not too modest. And, last but not least, comfortable by all means.
Denim or leather?
3x denim.
Heels or flats?
Flats, unless I really need attention...
Vintage or contemporary fashion?
I own many secondhand clothes that is why I vote for vintage.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Dark chocolate and garlic-butter baguette. Separately, for the best effect...
What's been your most indulgent purchase since you became a model?
A professional camera that I bought with my first contract-made money in Japan just to get to know that I have zero talent for photography. Anyway, the camera was stolen from me a few years later. No regrets.
If you were an emoji, which would you be and why?
The blinking one sticking out its tongue since I'm a 'Why so serious?' type of person.
When you're not busy modeling, what are some of your favorite things to do?
Besides of modeling, I'm a psychology student so I spend my time reading about mental processes of humankind and then I use it to take over the world
What are you working on now and what do you dream of happening in the future?
I'm a fledgling wife and it's my no. 1 project right now. Within a couple years, I plan to graduate from university and I hope to start my family until that time. What happens else, I let the universe decide...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years' time?
I hope to become a licensed therapist in this period of time. It's a plan B after the modeling market can't look at my face anymore :P
Check out Klaudia's profile here and check back next week to find out who our next 'Model of the Week' is.
Thank you, Klaudia for this amazing interview!
Interview by: Clinton Gonsalvez
Special Thanks to Ola Zdzarska @ Mango Models (Warsaw, Poland).
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