May 1984 Out In the Open... Breezy in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Bonnie Berman& others May 1984
April 1984 The Beauty/Fitness Connection Live It! in Vogue USA Photographer Andrea Blanch Models & others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications April 1984
April 1984 Going Places!--Summer Day Dressing at Its Best in Vogue USA Photographer Irving Penn Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications April 1984
April 1984 Paris/Rome--Going For Delight The Prettiest New Looks--New Directions--from the Couture in Vogue USA Photographer Peter Lindbergh Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications April 1984
March 1984 Looking Active Pursuits in Vogue USA Photographer Andrea Blanch Models Kim Williams Copyrights Condé Nast Publications March 1984
March 1984 The Uncommon Accessory in Vogue USA Photographer Jim Varriale Models & others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications March 1984
March 1984 Spring Beauty Gazette... in Vogue USA Photographer Pamela Hanson Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications March 1984
February 1984 The All-Out Seductiveness of Evening Dressing at Geoffrey Beene in Vogue USA Photographer Eddy Kohli Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications February 1984
February 1984 A New Polish, A Racier Beat To Day Dressing in Vogue USA Photographer Irving Penn Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications February 1984
February 1984 At Night The Allure of the Body in Vogue USA Photographer Deborah Turbeville Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications February 1984
February 1984 A New Beauty Confidence Hair, Makeup...Image! in Vogue USA Photographer Arthur Elgort Models Kim Williams& others Copyrights Condé Nast Publications February 1984