"Hanatsubaki" is a monthly corporate culture magazine issued by Shiseido. It was first issued in 1937. Although it was temporarily discontinued out of necessity for a period of time during and after World War II, it resumed printing in 1950. Since its first issue, "Hanatsubaki" has been delivering hints to enable people to live their lives richly and beautifully through not only visual materials such as photographs and graphics but also reading materials such as essays and novels.
Since 2007, the magazine had alternately issued “Miru Hanatsubaki,” in which fashion, beauty, art, and culture were vividly expressed on color pages, and “Yomu Hanatsubaki,” in which various reading materials such as novels were included. However, these 2 forms were unified again, and the magazine has been issued as “Hanatsubaki” again starting in 2012, which is Shiseido’s 140th anniversary and the magazine’s 75th anniversary. In addition, “electronic version ‘Hanatsubaki’” has also been periodically issued along with the main magazine.