August 2015
& others
deFUZE was established in November 2011 and is now being published about every two months.
It’s a project that was targeting young people to encourage them to persuade their dreams and passion. For many young photographers, artists and fashionistas it is very hard to break the ice in the fashion industry which is often ruthless and unforgivable. deFUZE stands its own by supporting people with true talent unable to promote and market themselves.
deFUZE was found and created by Bartosz Och who is now the Chief Editor of this vastly growing publication. He is also a completely self-taught photographer who understands the ups and downs of fashion.
Bartosz, born 1986 in Katowice, Poland, graduated with Diploma of Higher Education in Printing Technologies and Printing Preparation Processes. He then worked in several printing houses before moving to London where he now works and lives persuading the dream of making deFUZE one of the most recognizable and fashionable publications in the world.