BOOK Moda Haute Couture

It has been available in the news-stands, in Italy and abroad, for many years. Its frequency coincides with the international fashion shows. Exclusive photos and never ordinary bilingual texts, are flash that draw the attention on the trends that are really important and that offer absolutely international sight of the Haute Couture and of the Prêt-a-Porter. Already from the first issue, Book moda has asserted to itself rules of absolute rigour in all the numberless aspects that make the image and the substance of a really prestigious magazine. A peculiarity is the exactness in the information, coincise and exhaustive in the choice of the users target. Considering the dealed topics , BOOK MODA addresses itself to the experts and to a wide public of qualified readers. BOOK MODA is an advertising means for the most qualified Made in Italy, not dispersive, ideal for campaigns of products directly or indirectly bounded to the fashion word.