B - Bumps, Birth & Beyond

'B - Bumps, Birth & Beyond' is the luxury pregnancy and baby magazine for women who choose private maternity care.
It is distributed via private maternity hospitals including The Lindo Wing, where Princess Charlotte was born, the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ and other prestigious maternity hospitals around the United Kingdom.
It is also sent to private Obstetricians’ and Midwives’ clinics, private Ultrasound scanning clinics, plus a wealth of other outlets such as ante-natal classes, pregnancy and new mum wellbeing classes, private members’ clubs, crèches and nurseries.
It is also stocked in selected upmarket baby boutiques including Ralph Lauren, Amaia Kids, Igloo Kids, I Love Gorgeous, Huggle, The Pudding Club and Posh Rosh and all stockists of Mima pushchairs around the UK. It can be found in the nursery department of Bentall’s in Kingston and Newcastle.