
Montesinos was born in Valencia in 1950 and spent his childhood in "el Carmen", an old and truly representative quarter of this Mediterranean city. He began his academic training at the city's Art School, where he qualified in Interior Decorating and Design. In the early 60s, his creative interests led him to turn the long-standing family business into a decorating studio. It was at this stage that he first came into contact with fashion and design.

In May 1968, pop music was making its mark all over the world, and the Ibiza phenomenon had a profound impact on the creativity of Francis Montesinos.

In 1972 he opened his first shop in Valencia, wich caught the interest of the Spanish society and led them to start frequenting the newly established fashion house outlet in search of a decidedly new and genuine style. Montesinos became a new way of communicating.

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The Look

His work is characterised by the influence of folklore and his valencian roots, and also by exploration and modernity, and without a doubt, by the reinterpretation of fashion form a personal and innovative point of view.


2007 Francis Montesinos Eau De Parfum (W)

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