
Desiree Heiss was born on 22.04.1971 in Freiburg, Germany. She graduated in fashion at the University of applied arts in Vienna, in 1994.

Ines Kaag was born on 03.02.1970 in Fürth, Germany. She graduated in fashion at the University of arts and design in Hannover, in 1995.

Desiree Heiss and Ines Kaag, who met as fashion students in Paris at the “concous international des jeunes créateurs de la mode” in 1993, found they had a lot incommon.

Two years later they founded their own brand together called “BLESS”. They presented “BLESS” on posters placed in the cities Vienna and Berlin.

When they released limited-edition fur wigs and took part inMartin Margiela’s fashion show, the fashion world really sat up and took notice of them. The Bless output is restricted on three limited-edition collections a year. If fashion can be said to border on art, Bless definitely straddles this frontier.

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