About the designer
Alfredo Martinez was born in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico.
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In 2010, he graduated with a Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Footwear.
Job activities & experiences
Alfredo participated at several national fashion competitions where he always stood out among the finalist and got top places, one of them was the first place for Modapremio in 2008. He was also the winner of the Pierre Cardin Prix, what brought him an invitation to Colombiamoda in the city of Madellín, Colombia.
In October 2009, Alfredo presented his first collection, Oblicua SS/10, which was presented at different events as Congreso Jóvenes Creadores, Intermoda and Minerva Fashion.
In April 2010, he presented his FW/10 collection Remember Stones what allowed him to join the International Designer Mexico (IDM) where he then presented his Méduse SS/11 collection. He was notable as a new value of Minerva Fashion and was invited as a representative of Mexico to the 5th international Fashion News magazine opening during the Intermoda anniversary.
Alfredo appeared in publications such as Harper's Bazaar, Blink, Fashionmode, Glow, Elle México, Marie Clare and several local and national newspapers.
In August 2011, he was invited to open an exhibition series for fashion, El Aparador, at the Laboratory of Arts and Varieties (LArVA) in Guadalajara. The same time he also presented his Microscope FW/11 collection during My Trend Week in Mexico City and the Vogue Fashion’s Night Out in Madrid, Spain.
In September, he presented his Introboreal SS/11 collection during the Mercedes-Bend Fashion Week Mexico City, where he was famed as one of the Top Ten designers.
In November 2011, he joined the catwalk gala of Minerva Fashion.