Benetton Group Headquarters
Human Resources
Villa Minelli
31050 Ponzano, Treviso
+39 0422 519111 ; Fax: +39 0422 519227


founded by

Luciano Benetton

belongs to

Benetton Group


A global brand, and one of the most well known in the world, United Colors of Benetton has an international style that combines color, quality and fashion. Each season the womenswear, menswear, childrenswear and underwear collections offer a total look for everyday, for work and for leisure, in the city and outdoors. The Benetton Baby label is a new product line dedicated to the prenatal and the under-fives world.

The brand is present in many other sectors, from the elegant accessories to the eyewear lines and perfumes, from the home collection to baby products. The above products are available in selected specialized shops worldwide.


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1987 Colors de Benetton Men (M)
1987 Colors de Benetton Woman (W)
1993 Tribu (W)
1997 Benetton Cold (U)
1997 Benetton Hot (U)
1999 Benetton Pure Sport Woman (W)
1999 Benetton Pure Sport Man (M)
2000 Funtastic Sweet Fruits for Girls (W)
2000 Funtastic Sweet Fruits for Boys (M)
2001 Benetton Sport Women (W)
2001 Benetton Sport Man (M)
2001 Paradiso Inferno Woman (W)
2001 Paradiso Inferno Man (M)
2002 B. Clean Energy (U)
2002 B. Clean Fresh (U)
2002 B. Clean Relax (U)
2002 B. Clean Soft (U)
2004 B. United Man (M)
2004 B. United Woman (W)
2004 Paradiso Inferno Pink (W)
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