founded by
Dante Trussardi
belongs to
Over the years, the Trussardi Group - today under the management of Beatrice Trussardi - has developed a dynamic and flexible structure of highly specialized centres of creation, research and production for each individual product line. Integrating and completing this structure, the Trussardi Group relies on qualified and authoritative partners for a number of business areas with a highly specialized content, through the conclusion of licensing agreements and partnerships. he Trussardi world has always revolved around a perfect equilibrium between the values of tradition and those of the imagination: attention to quality and care for detail, but also a constant quest for materials, territories and directions. Innovation and tradition. The Trussardi world transforms and assimilates the signals of the newest trends, filtering them through the experience matured in a century of creativity. Trussardi is a vision that proceeds through history and the present with the same relaxed elegance, to discover new passages and exchanges between cultures and languages, to create unexpected connections between apparently distant universes. The Trussardi world is in fact a perfect synthesis: a window on the future and memory of the past, elegance that is Made in Italy but also exotic seduction. The Trussardi world embraces all the aspects of daily life, to express itself through fashion, the home, leisure and the whole of the city. The Trussardi universe: a style of life and a life with style.
The Trussardi look is classic, but innovative, with generous use of the finest fabrics.