founded by
Adi, Ange, Kai and Gabi, or As Four
belongs to
ThreeAsFour LLC
The international design collective as four, emerging from different cultures and backgrounds found a home in New York Citys Chinatown.
Adi, Ange respectively of Israeli and Russian origin, Gabi originally of Palestinian descend and recently departed KAI, have been collaborating since the late nineties. broadening the boundaries of fashion, art and entertainment.
The designers, primarily known for their multimedia fashion shows and curvilinear design interpretation have established and defined an individual style unique to their environment.
Their vision of beauty, sophistication and extravagance brings an original approach to the market of fashion, defining new standards of quality and craft with a fresh perspective on construction, innovation and texture.
As FOUR is presently collaborating with Kate Spade on a collection of clothing and accessories under asfourkatespade, combining evolutionary ideas with their own vision of the classic American dream.
The team is in the process of launching As FOURDENIM under ThreeAsFour LLC. as well as collaborating on a perfume project curated by Colette, Paris, being produced by Symrise.
The designers, primarily known for their multimedia fashion shows and curvilinear design interpretation have established and defined an individual style unique to their environment.
Their vision of beauty, sophistication and extravagance brings an original approach to the market of fashion, defining new standards of quality and craft with a fresh perspective on construction, innovation and texture.
THREEAsFOUR is presently collaborating with Kate Spade on a collection of clothing as accessories under �as fourkatespade�, combining evolutionary ideas with their own vision of the classic American dream.