founded by
Tereza Santos
belongs to
Tereza Santos
Born in January of 2002, TEREZA SANTOS is a brand created for the woman’s prêt a porter segment and acts in both national and international market.
Tereza Santos, businesswoman and designer, commands her collections based on sophisticated fabrics, prizing innovation as well as the handmade, and her creations can be seen in the most recognized stores of Brazil, Europe and Asia.
The main challenge is to expand the fashion concept, image and identity of her collections, making a product that is consistent and of high quality.
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Present in “São Paulo Fashion Week”, TEREZA SANTOS stands out through its strong and exclusive DNA.
The brand contributes to the construction process of Brazil’s fashion scene by participating in all events in the field, establishing partnerships as well as associations with national and international fashion schools, supporting trainee’s projects, researches and opportunities in the fashion business world.
The contemporary look upon the fashion-attitude binomial assures freshness and actuality in the creation process.
The Company has now 230 specialized employees producing 20 thousand units a month. Other 150 outsourced employees take part in the production team. Furthermore, its product mix, including knitwear, tricot, cotton, silk, tulles, georgettes and exclusive screen prints, makes it a unique brand in the Brazilian market due to of its innovative and creative handmade work. A team of highly qualified professionals manages the brand in Brazil and abroad, developing its identity and image.
Terezinha Santos, handle eight stores in Brazil, in the cities of Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Brasília, Campinas besides the licensed store at Curitiba and more 320 stockists all over Brazil.