Sao Paulo
Rua Funchal, 263, conjunto 14/1ºAndar
Vila Olímpica
São Paulo - SP
+55 31 3290 1616 ; +55 31 3290 1613 ; +55 31 9314 7338 ; +55 31 3290 1617


founded by

Tereza Santos

belongs to

Tereza Santos


Born in January of 2002, TEREZA SANTOS is a brand created for the woman’s prêt a porter segment and acts in both national and international market.

Tereza Santos, businesswoman and designer, commands her collections based on sophisticated fabrics, prizing innovation as well as the handmade, and her creations can be seen in the most recognized stores of Brazil, Europe and Asia.

The main challenge is to expand the fashion concept, image and identity of her collections, making a product that is consistent and of high quality.

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The Look

The designer Terezinha Santos has a style that combines versatility, sophistication in a modern design, close attention to customers' needs, designing for women who want elegance associated with comfort and quality.

Official Social Media

Tereza Santos Fashion Shows

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