Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH
Ludwig-Schöffel-Straße 15
86830 Schwabmünchen


founded by

Georg Schöffel

belongs to

Peter Schöffel


Beginnings are often lost in the mists of time. At the turn of the nineteenth century, the preparation of foundation documents was not among the top priorities of people who liked to take the initiative. They simply pitched in and made the most of their opportunities. But the year 1804 is on record – documents from that year show that Georg Schöffel obtained a licence for trading in stockings.

Stockings, socks, nightcaps and traditional Swabian pointed caps - the choice was indeed captivating.In those days, Schwabmünchen was a capital of knitting, and „Schwabmünchen Blue" was a guarantee of quality. Knitting was an ideal supplement to the frugal living offered by farming, with spinning, dyeing and knitting generally being carried out under one roof. By 1675, resourceful Schwabmünchen residents were beginning to sell the local wares further afield, buying knitted goods and trading them throughout the country. Mobile and determined, full of ideas and way ahead of many of their fellow countrymen, they were prepared to take entrepreneurial risks.Knitted goods from Schwabmünchen were seen at fairs in Frankfurt, Leipzig and Nuremberg, and were later exported to France and Italy.

Families such as the Schöffels took to this trade with great success and ensured a good turnover. By the beginning of the 19th century over 2,000 local residents were involved in the knitting trade.Magistrates' records from later years show that in 1804, Georg Schöffel laid the foundation stone of what was to become a successful business, with no inkling of what would grow from it in later generations.

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