

founded by

Marcel Marongiu

belongs to

Marcel Marongiu


Since the company's inception in 1991, the clothes are now sold in many boutiques throughout Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, France, Japan, and the United States.

In 1988 Marcel Marongiu introduced his first signature collection and one year later he held his first catwalk show in Paris.

He adores hard rock music and in 1991 even named his company after the title of an Aerosmith album, Permanent Vacation.

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The Look

Marongiu designs clothes that are classically elegant yet also up to date, sexy, and carefree. His style is always strong and pronounced, the cut always clean and streamlined, emphasizing the contours and shape of the human body. Stretch fabrics and natural classic fabrics, often with a small Lycra percentage, help him achieve these silhouettes. His customer is a young, modern women, slightly tongue-in-cheek and sexy, who refuses to dress expensively.

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