United Kingdom
The Rookery, Chilcompton
Somerset BA3 4EH
+44 0 1761 234 230 ; Fax: +44 0 1761 233 436


founded by

Roger Saul & Joan Saul

belongs to

Mulberry Group


The company was founded in 1971 by Roger Saul and his mother Joan�in 1973 they opened a factory in Chilcompton, Somerset, England. Mulberry established itself as a British lifestyle brand, noted for its leather poacher bags including the binocular bag and dispatch bag. Mulberry's range now includes womenswear, menswear, and most recently, footwear for women.

In 2000, the Braconnier bag also becomes an international �it� bag � followed by the Bayswater and Roxanne.

Today, Mulberry is considered one of the most important British labels internationally, with numerous stores and outlets worldwide.

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Who Wears It

Kate Moss, Alexa Chung, Kelly Osbourne, Kate Bosworth,

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