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founded by

René Ramillon

belongs to

Remo Ruffling


The Moncler clothing label has a rich history having first been created in 1952 near Grenoble in France. The founder of the brand was a Frenchman named Rene Ramillon, and the name came from an abbreviation of the mountain village named Monastier de Clermont which is close to Grenoble.

At the start, Moncler, managed by André Vincent, friend of Ramillon and dealer of sports articles in Grenoble, produces padded sleeping bags, a single model of lined cagoule and camping tents with telescopic structure and external covering.

The company first started out producing down jackets in 1954, initially using the lining from sleeping bags to shelter workers from the cold, who wore them on top of overalls in the small mountain factory. The first to notice them and see their potential is Lionel Terray, key figure in the history of Moncler. On his return from an expedition to Canada, the French mountain climber asks Ramillon to produce snowsuits, gloves and sleeping bags to provide high resistance and protection for the most extreme climates to use in his own feats. And, so the dedicated “Moncler pour Lionel Terray” is designed and produced. Each garment, including the down jackets, is prepared and perfected with the technical expertise of Terray and experimented on the field during expeditions.

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