May 2016 Contemporaneo in AMICA Italy Photographer Philippe Cometti Models & others Fashion Editor Claudia Carretti May 2016
March 2016 Bruna Tenório in Grazia Italy Photographer Dean Isidro Models Bruna Tenório& others Fashion Editor Michele Bagnara March 2016
December 2015 Night Fever in Elle Spain Photographer Ricardo Tinnelli Models Tania Onishchenko& others Fashion Editor Sylvia Montoliu Copyrights Hachette Filipacchi Media December 2015
December 2015 Kerstbal in Elle Netherlands Photographer Jeroen W. Mantel Models Annika Krijt& others Fashion Editor Lisa Anne Stuyfzand Copyrights Hachette Filipacchi Media December 2015
December 2015 Lost in the weekend in Vanity Fair Italy Photographer Walter Chin Models Barbara di Creddo& others Copyrights Conde Nast Publications December 2015
December 2015 Ready for the launch in Glamour Netherlands Photographer Klaas Jan Kliphuis Models Cheyenne Keuben& others Fashion Editor Xaviera Aubri Copyrights Conde Nast Publications December 2015
December 2015 Heidi in Cosmopolitan France Models Lisa Alverman& others Copyrights Hearst Corporation December 2015
December 2015 Alta societa in Glamour Italy Photographer Sandrine Dulermo & Michael Labica Models & others Fashion Editor Hannah Teare Copyrights Conde Nast Publications December 2015
December 2015 Dress Code in Glamour Italy Photographer Gian Paolo Barbieri Models Georgina Grenville& others Fashion Editor Eduardo Marchiori Copyrights Conde Nast Publications December 2015
December 2015 Film Noir in Glamour Italy Photographer Antonin Guidicci Models Alexina Graham& others Fashion Editor Simone Guidarelli Copyrights Conde Nast Publications December 2015