Via Condotti 61
00187 Rome
+39 6 6797926 ; Fax: +39 6 6783157


founded by

Giuseppe Lancetti

belongs to

Ugo Paci


Pino Lancetti founded his fashion label in 1961 in Rome.

After more than thirty years of success in high fashion Lancetti launched during the past year a program of complete revision of his strategy and operating structure, with an eye on more flexibility and competitiveness in the marketplace.

The first step was the complete reorganizzation of management with a more international thrust, followed by the entry of new elements in the planning office and the revision of the offices in Rome in Piazza di Spagna where all the activities of the company are now concentrated.

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1985 Lancetti Homme (M)
1985 Via Condotti Pour Femme (W)
1993 Suspense (W)
1995 Madame (W)
2001 Lancetti Femme (W)
2002 Etre Homme (M)
2002 Etre Femme (W)
2004 Etre Special Edition (W)
2004 Etre Special Edition II (W)
2005 Etre Special Edition III (W)
2005 Etre Special Edition IV (W)
2006 Lancetti Mood Man (M)
2006 Lancetti Mood Woman (W)

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