12 Via Del Fonditore
Bologna, 40138
+39 51 601 96 11 ; Fax: +39 51 601 04 14


founded by

Ada Masotti

belongs to

JH Partners


As Italy�s sexiest brand, the company is a leading creator of luxurious and fashionable lingerie, nightwear, swimwear, and loungewear for women and men since 1954. In 1954, Ada Masotti, an artisan skilled in the tradition of hand crafted Bolognese corsetry opens a lingerie boutique in Bologna. The name �La Perla� was inspired by the jeweler�s case lined with red velvet in which the first creations were transported. Operating from a city famous for its highly developed textile industry, Masotti simply used top quality fabrics to create exclusive and select underwear focusing initially on corsetry. She intimately appreciated and demonstrated an uncanny anticipation of women�s desires and body shape, designing a collection of lingerie that flawlessly complemented Christian Dior�s �New Look�, a major fashion trend of the time.

After starting with traditional skin-tones, La Perla introduced new colored lingerie in the 1960s. Additionally, la perla introduced a series of co-ordinates in pure �B.B. style� in woven, chequered, and flowered prints with lace inserts, and a range of co-ordinates that match black lace bras with girdles of colored flowers.

After many years of success in the lingerie industry. La Perla is poised to enter the world of swimwear fashion with the brand La Perla Beachwear in 1971, combining charming aesthetics with a continued search for new designs and constant inspiration from Haute Couture. In the same year, La Perla presented the first triangle bra in a silk nightgown.

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1987 La Perla (W)
1991 Grigioperla (M)
1995 Io (W)
1995 Blue (W)
1997 Parfum Prive (W)
2000 Eclix (W)
2000 Touch Grigio Perla (M)
2002 Creation (W)
2003 Shiny Creation (W)
2006 Charme (W)
2006 Grigioperla Attitude (M)
2007 Dark Extacy (W)
2007 GrigioPerla HEDO (M)
2007 J�Aime (W)
2007 J�Aime La Nuit (W)
2007 J�Aime Les Fleurs (W)
2007 Languid Vanilla (W)
2007 Ruby Perlage (W)
2008 GrigioPerla Hedo White (M)
2009 Charme Lace Collection (W)
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