Los Angeles
4474 W Adams Blvd., 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90016
+1 323 732 4046 ; Fax: +1 323 732 4009


founded by

Zip Stevenson

belongs to

Zip Stevenson


In recognizing the artful workmanship and distinctive quality of hand-crafted leather belts often identified with vintage Americana, Zip Stevenson, began searching the country in 1993 for authentic, vintage leather belts. Part history lesson and part reclamation project, he quickly learned about people’s love affair with these classic, handmade accessories. He noticed the most intricately designed ones were always the most popular and at the same time the most difficult to come by. Accordingly, he began to make his own versions of them for himself and his friends and selling them at his Denim Doctors store.

In 2000, bowing to the tremendous demand for his belts, Stevenson established Hollywood Trading Company (HTC)‚ brand name under which this unique vision and style of timeless fashion accessories was realized. The highly skilled artisans behind HTC continue to create fresh, unique products expressive of a maverick sense of style that are thrilling consumers and retailers throughout the planet.

In 2002 the same passion for vintage brought Zip Stevenson to meet Andrea Brà, founder and owner of LCB Company, the prestigious Italy-based handcrafted accessory manufacturer. This meeting signed a strong friendship between Zip and Andrea giving life to an important collaboration.

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