Via Vittime di Piazza Fontana, 52 54 56
10024 Moncalieri (TO)
+ 39 011 6893911 ; Fax: +39 011 6472139


founded by

Umberto Maria Monasterolo

belongs to

Mistral S.p.A.


Brooksfield is a prêt-à-porter fasion brand belonging to the Mistral company, shich established in 1971 by Umberto Maria Monasterolo. Mistral was a company which initially manufactures and distributes only men’s trousers. The sales, while initially limited to a regional catchment, extend to the entire northern area, and later to the whole country. Till 1975 the company changed in the market convinced the ownership to expand production in the direction of a total “look” with a refined British style.

Having reached its tenth year in business in 1980, Mistral can boasted a considerable increase in a sales force level, in invoicing and clients. At the same time, there was growing loyalty to the Brooksfield brand, around which the identity of the company becomes defined.

In 1985 the brand launched a women's line and in the early 1990s, it started a licensing program which developed a perfume (Eurocosmesi), eye glasses (Lastes International), a children's line (Simonetta), and leather goods (Basso Leather).

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The Look

Brooksfield is the example of a successful combination of English style and traditional Italian tailoring design that unites the taste and culture always giving the clothing its unmistakable style, which has always been and will remain the distinctive thread of the Brooksfield "Way of Life:" a lifestyle, almost a philosophy, an inner disposition together with a world vision.


1993 Brooksfield Men (M)
1996 Nuance (W)
2001 B. Green (M)

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