
Joan Vass was born in New York, USA, in 1925. She studied at Vassar College and then philosophy and aesthetics at the University of Wisconsin, graduating in 1942. Although she learned to knit when she was 5 years old, she did not transform the skill into designing until she was in her early 50's.

Her earlier career was as a curator for Christies and she worked in New York as an editor, before joining the Museum of Modern Art as an assistant curator.

Art in New York. At the same time she edited art books for Harry N. Abrams and wrote columns about art auctions for Art in America. Vass began a cottage industry in the early 1970s when she brought her personal interest in hand-knits and crochet to women who needed an outlet for their marketable skills.

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The Look

Joan Vass is an American designer who believes the only purpose for a label in a piece of clothing is to show which way to put it on. Her easy-to-wear designs for both men and women are beautifully crafted, in simple, elegant lines. Her cadre of workers, ranging in age from 20 to 70, came from a variety of backgrounds including housewives and artists. They would knit, crochet, or hand-loom the design, incorporating their personal style. A third design line called Joan Vass Sporting was created, a more casual collection with much more detail. Though natural fibers are still used, the designs also use some of the new synthetic fibers such as chinchilla, a 100-percent polyester fabric. Whether Joan Vass New York, Joan Vass USA, or Joan Vass Sporting, the designs Vass creates are simple and easy to wear. They are predominantly made of natural fibers, usually in subtle colors, in unstructured shapes. There are no extras such as shoulder pads. Besides sweaters, she designs trousers, skirts, and shorts and dresses. Her stated aim is to produce interchangeable, ageless designs which evolve from season to season. She feels style is something that lasts, and does not preclude a sense of humor in her design work, as she has been inspired by iguanas and created bizarre and funny hats. Vass is an American woman with strong ideas and concerns reflected in her designs, and frequently expressed.

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